2021 rok Workhouse4you sp. z o.o. zdobywa tytułu: „Najlepsi 2021” wśród Specjalistów od Doradztwa Personalnego jako jeden z najlepiej ocenianych profesjonalistów, a w 2023 roku tytuł: „Najlepsi 2023” wśród Specjalistów od outsourcingu pracowniczego

International businesses


Permanent recruitment solutions

We provide permanent recruitment solutions and support for our business partners in the whole recruitment process for key employees, professionals and specialists in their market. We specialise in permanent recruitment for medium and senior positions, specialists in rare professions ( computer science , engineering, medical specialists etc) or profesional drivers, nurses, care assistants and more. We aim to fulfil your needs in the shortest possible time.

We are sourcing our candidates from Polish Nationals, no matter where in the world they are living. We have a good access to a large market of well educated specialists in many professions.

We use various recruitment methods tailored to the position and effect we intend to achieve, as no two clients are the same, no two campaigns remain the same.

What we offer :

Save your Time, work with us


We offer our service in English Language for business clients from Europe and Worldwide from our UK office :


Mobile: +44 (0) 74 5588 3210

Email: office@workhouse4you.pl

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